Forecast: ADAS Semiconductor Demand 2022 to 2031 – Q3 2024

Forecast: ADAS Semiconductor Demand 2022 to 2031 – Q3 2024

Explore growth opportunities in the ADAS semiconductor market with our forecast report. Expected to grow at a 21% CAGR from 2023 to 2028, this report details market trends for 15 ADAS features, highlighting key applications, device types, and regions through 2031.

This market forecast highlights the growth opportunities for semiconductors used in Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS). The market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 21% over 2023 to 2028, with content-per-vehicle increases boosting demand more than growth in vehicle production. This detailed Excel report details and quantifies the market growth for semiconductors within fifteen different ADAS features out to 2031. It highlights the key applications, semiconductor device types and regions that are driving the market. The semiconductor device types covered include processors, power, linear, ASIC, opto and image sensors. The report contains both pre-built data cuts and flat files and pivot tables to enable custom analysis of the data set.

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