Unknown 122B050-A1 SAW Filter (90SSPNWAM) Acoustic Wave Filter Report

Unknown 122B050-A1 SAW Filter (90SSPNWAM) Acoustic Wave Filter Report

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This process analysis report examines the TF-SAW filter die, marked 122B050-A1, located in the 90SSPNWAM mid-high band power amplifier with an integrated low noise amplifier and duplexer (MHB L-PAMiD) within the Huawei Nova 12 Pro (ADA-AL00) 5G smartphone. Revealed in December 2023, the Huawei Nova 12 Ultra and Nova 12 Pro garnered attention as Huawei's answer to U.S. sanctions. The post-sanction launches saw Huawei revamp its RF architecture, substituting many vital mobile radio components with local parts. Currently, acoustic wave filters are pivotal in mobile RFFE for frequency selection and filtering, making suppliers with local technology and production capabilities essential for 5G FEMs in the Chinese smartphone sector. An indigenous advanced filter signifies a significant stride in the Chinese semiconductor industry, akin to the creation of an advanced logic process node.

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