Case Study

Leveraging TechInsights Manufacturing Equipment Market Analysis to Bolster its Market Position

A leading Capital Equipment company that develops, manufactures, markets, sells and services semiconductor assembly equipment for the global semiconductor and electronics industries needed to assure investors that its market position remains stable, and its growth projects are attainable.

Manufacturing Equipment Market Analysis

The Challenge

This organization is well run, and despite excellent performance, it must continually validate its market position with independent data to assure its investors that the company remains a market leader, and their margin projections are attainable. They do this through consistent financial analyst communications. Similarly, they must attract new investors and assure the “cycle” investors that the company is a sound investment through the various market cycles. Their investor relations communications bolstered with reliable and independent third-party data are the foundation of this activity.

The Solution

TechInsights worked closely with the organization to highlight the market analysis content from our Manufacturing Equipment coverage, which is invaluable for the assembly and packaging industry. Since stock valuation is critical to the company’s ability to invest into future technologies, validation is imperative. TechInsights analysis was heavily used in their investor day program and associated communications. This level of sourcing in these essential materials for investors is sign of a high degree of trust and confidence in TechInsights’ analysis and services.

The Results

Substantial usage of our analysis positively impacted investor confidence for the organization and, therefore, the stock price and valuation. Their stock price increased 2+% during the investor day program, representing over $12B USD, and even a one percent lift on market valuation equates to an increase of $130M USD in valuation.

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