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Broadcom BCM4398 Wi-Fi 7/BT 5.2 Combo SoC Architecture Analysis (IoTA)
This report is a Architecture Analysis (ARC) of the Broadcom BCM4398 die found inside the Universal Scientific Industrial (USI) G5-602550 component. The BCM4398 contains a Wi-Fi 7 transceiver operating in the 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz and 6 GHz channels, and transmits/receives BT signals via a BT 5.2 transceiver. Architecture analysis shows the receive, transmit and local oscillator paths. A predecessor Broadcom die BCM4389, with a Wi-Fi 6E/BT 5.0 combo SoC, was previously analyzed by TechInsights. The Universal Scientific Industrial G5-602550 component including the BCM4398 die was found on the Google Pixel 8 Pro (G1MNW) Smartphone.

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