Semiconductor Sales on Track to Reach $0.7T in '22

G. Dan Hutcheson
Semiconductor Analytics report
Semiconductor sales jumped W/W in the third week of March, with sales passing 50% Y/Y. The IC weather heated up 6°F last week. The March forecast update was mostly unchanged, with memory raised slightly. Zooming in on Auto ICs this week, 13-wk MA growth has been holding around 23-24% Y/Y. Growth is forecasted to finish 2022 around +18% Y/Y, reaching $33B.
TechInsights' IC Supply/Demand indices tightened significantly last week as overall conditions went from Tight to Shortage. More Moore Foundry rose to tight, while More than Moore Foundry went to Balanced. The 1Q22 NowCast remains Tight, with NAND tightening to Shortage and More Moore Foundry up to Balanced.
Electronics' Retail Price MAs continue to soar. But there are signs of weakness in PCs and Consumer.
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