Summary – Nordic nRF54L15 TSMC 22ULL 12 Mb eReRAM Process Analysis

Summary – Nordic nRF54L15 TSMC 22ULL 12 Mb eReRAM Process Analysis

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The Nordic nRF54L15 Bluetooth 5.4 Systems-on-Chip (SoC), the first SoC in the nRF54L series which begins sampling in October 2023, features a 128 MHz Arm Cortex-M33 processor, 1.5 MB (equivalent of 12 Mb) of non-volatile memory (NVM) and 256 KB of RAM. The Nordic TMRC83 die is fabricated using TSMC 22 nm ultra-low leakage (22ULL) with embedded resistive random-access memory (eReRAM) process.

The Nordic TMRC83 die comprises of 12 Mb eReRAM. The resistive random-access memory (ReRAM/RRAM) is a type of non-volatile memory that works by changing the resistance across a metal-oxide dielectric, sandwiched between two electrodes. Compared with other embedded memory, eReRAM is compatible with existing CMOS logic process, has relatively low(er) cost, and is easy to scale. With multiple resistive states, which can correspond to multiple memory states, ReRAM is a leading contender for machine learning designs.

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