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CMOS Image Sensor
Sony IMX157 Alpha 99 - Imager Process Review Report
This report presents an Image Process Review of the Sony IMX157 Alpha 99. The Sony Alpha 99 is a flagship DSLR featuring it's latest full-frame sensor technology. The device features 24 Mp resolution with on-chip phase detection. This report provides a thorough cross-sectional analysis of the general logic and pixel to help understand how the sensor is fabricated. The focus is on the elements specific to image sensors such as microlenses, color filters, pixel architecture, and photocathode. Analysis of the pixel is parallel and perpendicular to the column outline, to show the structure of the pixel array elements. Detailed images focus on the aperture, transistor gate structure, anti-reflective coatings, and photocathode. The cross-sectional analysis includes TEM imaging to highlight the gate oxide thicknesses, transistor gate structure, and back-end processing in the pixel array. SCM and SRP analyses of the doping profiles in the pixel array are included.

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