Semiconductor Market & Research Analysis
Our unique combination of deep semiconductor industry contacts, data analytics, with databases and information libraries that reach back seven decades, combined with our locations in the world's technology hot-spots make us perfectly suited for the development of the world's most distinguished semiconductor market research.
The information is selectively crafted by the world's most renowned semiconductor manufacturing market analysts who have over a century of combined experience.
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Available Semiconductor Market Analysis
Chip Market Research
Chip Market Research Services is a modular strategic planning, marketing, and communication tool that spans the semiconductor manufacturing industry.
- The Chip Insider® provides strategic and tactical insights.
- The Forecast Pro provides the real-time data a professional analyst needs to predict how trends in the semiconductor business environment will affect their business and investments.
- IC Equipment Databases cover market shares with annual and quarterly forecasts for these segments.
Semiconductor Analytics
Semiconductor Analytics is a weekly report addressing the semiconductor supply chain. The research and analysis is end-demand focused and has the objective of providing up-to-date business knowledge. Week-by-week data on electronics and semiconductor demand, along with monthly key performance indicators in electronics and semiconductor application markets are provided to semiconductor suppliers.
Critical Subsystems
Critical Subsystems covers the market on subsystems for semiconductor and related production equipment. These subsystems have been developed to address specific applications and processes within these industries and are dedicated for use on a single tool or process chamber. They perform a particular function in the following key technology areas: Fluid Management, Integrated Process Diagnostics, Optical, Process Power, Thermal Management, Vacuum, and Wafer Handling.
Test Connectivity Systems
Annual analytics reports that cover test connectivity markets, suppliers, and key customer trends. They include Probe Card, Test & Burn-in Socket, and Device Interface Board (DIB) market analyses.
Spreadsheets and Reports
Single data spread sheets and reports are derived from subscription services and can be purchased separately. They are ideal for one-time, low cost access to the data. Data sheets and reports are available through the TechInsights Platform.
Research Methodology
The methodology used in compiling information relies heavily on market simulation and consists of several approaches. The basic theme common to all is data triangulation. Wherever possible, we try to box-in an issue from at least three different directions, sometimes more.
Five Key Trends for Consumer Electronics in 2025
Explore the key trends shaping the future of consumer electronics in 2025. Access a detailed, free analysis on the TechInsights Platform to stay ahead of the curve.
Semiconductor Sustainability – Eight Moments that Mattered in 2024
Looking back on sustainability developments of the past year, from NVIDIA innovations to legal challenges for emissions reporting, Apple net-zero progress to the release of the first global semiconductor carbon emissions forecast.
Global Semiconductor Carbon Emissions Forecast, 2025-2030
To set the bar for semiconductor sustainability and provide analysis and leadership to address the industry's carbon footprint, TechInsights has developed the Global Semiconductor Carbon Emissions Forecast, 2025-2030.
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