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CMOS Image Sensor
Sony IMX787 64 MP 0.8 μm Pixel Pitch Exmor RS CMOS Image Sensor Device Essentials Folder
This report presents a device essentials summary (DEF) of the Sony IMX787 64 MP 0.8 μm pixel pitch Exmor RS CMOS image sensor, extracted from the ZTE Nubia Z40 Pro smartphone. The ZTE Nubia Z40 is promoted as having the industry's first custom 35 mm lens.
The DEF includes observed device metrics and salient features supported by the following unannotated image folders:
  • Downstream product teardown
  • Package X-rays, die photograph, non-invasive optical photos of die features
  • SEM images of the pixel array delayered to the metal, transistor, and diffusion levels
  • Exploratory cross-section SEM imaging of the general pixel array and peripheral structures
This deliverable provides basic competitive benchmarking information and enables cost-effective tracking of multiple competitors’ technology.

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