TechInsights' Semiconductor Analytics Report

G. Dan Hutcheson
Semiconductor sales increased 1% last week. The IC weather warmed nearly 5˚F in Cool conditions, up 8˚F since bottoming September 30. Zooming in on Auto ICs this week, 13-wk MA growth is remining elevated at 21%. TechInsights forecasts Auto IC sales will reach $38B in 2023 with a Y/Y increase of 10%, coming off 23% growth in 2022.
TechInsights’ IC Supply/Demand continued to improve for the 7th week. Overall conditions moved to Shortage from Tight. Foundry went from Tight to Shortage with More Moore Foundry going to Tight and More than Moore Foundry to Shortage conditions. OSAT and IDM improved to Tight conditions while DRAM, NAND, and Analog & Power remain unchanged. Electronics’ Retail Prices have peaked before the holidays.
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